Force, Strength, Power (Parte II)
curated by Miguel Mesquita, July 2017
The title of the exhibition translates, in itself, an inherent property to the presented works and centres itself in the derivation of the meanings of the term force and the formal and conceptual alterations the occur in the migration to its synonymous expressions – strength and power.
As a word, “strength” suggests a symbolic mutable charge in its acceptation; the force exercised on an object, the physical force of a person and the force of a collective, ideology or movement, are interpreted in different ways. Presented in two parts, the exhibition covers a path parallel to the one the derivation of the term.
The first moment of the exhibition took place from May 18th to June 24th of 2017, as sort of an introduction, with an excerpt of a letter from Álvaro de Campos to José Pacheco, published in the magazine Contemporânea in October 1992, as a starting point, allowing the artworks to rest in its objectual circumstance. The text impelled to a concentration of the force as an action from physics resulting in moments of harmony and balance, but also insinuations of deformation and mutilation. In this second part, this state of inertia is undermined to explore strengthening and empowerment situations, proposing a reflexion about the relations with others, social, political and natural pressure.
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